Friday, February 14, 2014

Fun With The Skivvies!!

I just got back from an awesome concert in South Side (not to brag). This weekend the City Theater is hosting four performances by the fantastic musical duo, The Skivvies. Composed of musical theater actors Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley, the Skivvies perform stripped-down covers and medleys of all sorts of tunes, while clad in only their underwear. 

City Theatre's Lester Hamburg Studio gives the Skivvies a perfect cabaret-esque venue in which to wow their audiences. They have a wide variety of instruments they rapidly switch through, accompanied by Shannon Ford on drums. There are ukeleles, some guitars, that keyboard thing you play by blowing into a hose (I have no idea. I wanna say "Mouth Organ" but that's like crazy dirty, right?). Also Ms. Molina's skills with a cello are just an awesome thing to behold, and it's clear these guys are seasoned pros at what they do.

Both performers are gorgeous specimens with amazing sets of pipes. I mean, really, listening to them sing would be enough of a treat. The fact that they do it naked is just a bonus really (but, you know...don't stop). They have some awesome harmonies, the best are when Cearley goes into his beautiful falsetto. The medleys are fantastic, effortlessly mashing up song after song and putting their own spin on every one of them. One of my personal favorites was a great cover of "Pumped Up Kicks" that was interwoven with Molina busting out some opera skills from "Glitter and be Gay".

When they perform in New York City the Skivvies usually invite various Broadway performers to join them in song (in their underwear, obviously). Continuing that tradition, they've invited some local performers to help them out this weekend. Two of the guests were Hayley Nielsen and Bria Walker, both of whom were very funny and fit in nicely with the group. The third guest was Michael Campayno, who was in NBC's recent live production of The Sound of Music (can I get one more shoutout for dem knees?!?!?). Guests will rotate throughout the weekend (the Post Gazette has an informative article/interview here) and the Skivvies assured us no two shows would be the same.

I stumbled onto the Skivvies quite a while ago as part of an insomnia-induced Youtube session. I instantly loved them and when I learned they were coming to Pittsburgh I knew I had to see them. They actually showed up at the Public to see Company when I happened to be working. I recognized them in the audience and decided to tweet at them, because I'm a weird-ass and I don't know how to talk to humans. That combined with this blog probably has them thinking I'm a lunatic, but I swear I'm just a fan. 

So bottom line: The Skivvies are in Pittsburgh through Saturday and if you're not doing anything, get over to South Side and see them. Go for Valentine's Day with a date, or go by yourself (fuck love!) because either way you'll have an awesome time. If you can't go this weekend, I say hit up their youtube videos or try to catch one of their concerts in New York City if you get the chance.They're an awesome group and I'd definitely see them again in the future (but I will stop tweeting at them Phantom of the Opera-style).

The Skivvies have 3 shows left (one on Feb 14th and two on the 15th) at The City Theatre in South Side. Information and ticket purchasing can be done here on their website.

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