Friday, September 6, 2013

I'm Going to Attempt to Talk About Syria

Alright so if I have any regular readers (Hey guys! ...Mom.) then you already know I tend to talk about stupid trivial things (see last week's Miley Cyrus post or the one before about Power Rangers). I don't apologize for these; they're meant to be silly little things to make people laugh and for me to express feelings.

But now I want to talk about something serious. Well, I don't really want to, just a few people on Facebook were all "why is no one talking about Syria?" so I decided I would do just that. Or I'll at least try my best.

I don't watch/read the news regularly. My grandfather always watched the news and he was always angry about something. Which makes sense; there's always something to be angry about. But in my mind watching the news is just a new way of upsetting yourself so I try to refrain from doing so. So I didn't know what was going on with Syria.

Then a friend on Facebook posted a link that was essentially "Idiot's Guide to What's Going on in Syria", or as it is actually called: "So What's Up with this Whole Syria Thing?" It's a really great Powerpoint-esque explanation of what's happening, and it was exactly what I needed. If you yourself don't know what's going on, take a few minutes, click the link, and get caught up.

The article was written before President Obama's decision (or whatever large group of people makes such decisions, I shouldn't put it on one person) to use force against Syria. And now this is what people get to argue about. Should we use force to make things better? Or is violence never the answer?

Personally, I hate violence and bombs and guns. I play violent video games like Saints Row, because to me that's just fantasy and escapism from the real world. I cannot imagine anything on this planet that absolutely needs to end with killing a bunch of people. I still don't understand why people can't just sit and talk and drink water and work shit out.

But they say war is a part of life. I don't understand why, but it apparently is. So I'll just say this to you people: I have no idea what we should do about Syria.

I don't have the first clue to how war works. Will using force convince Assad to knock it off? Maybe. Will it cause more problems? Maybe! I don't KNOW! I also don't know the first thing about running a country. When I used to play The Sims I would sometimes get bored, lock them in a room with no doors, and watch them starve to death. I'm not someone who knows how to fix things!

So that's it, the embarrassing truth: I'm talking about Syria and I have no freakin' clue what I think. Maybe that makes me an idiot, or maybe I'm just a sheep who doesn't concern itself with stuff outside its own little life. But I'm sorry, this problem feels much bigger than me and I have no idea what to do or say about it. All I'm going to do is hope that the people who are dealing with it will make the right decisions and hopefully one day something resembling peace will be reached.

So I'm sorry people. I hope no one's lost respect for me. The rest of this month's postings will be the usual silliness. And I am concerned with what's happening in the world; I just don't know what to say about it. Chances are a 24-year old theater graduate who blogs in his spare time doesn't have the answers to ending wars.


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