Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jerky and Netflix, That's What I'm Doing!!

A pic of the jerky (or chunks) I'm making today. I'll go into further detail in the new year.
I was wondering what sort of hokey New Year's themed thing I should write today. A list of resolutions? No, screw that. See if I put resolutions on the internet, the world will know when I haven't completed them and who needs that? I mean in addition to myself knowing I'm not going to the gym, now everyone on Facebook knows I'm not going (I'm not going to the gym, I'm continuing not having a car and not eating Doritos for lunch so I'm fine thanks).

I thought about doing a list of my favorite movies or books this year, but in the end decided against it. If you read my critic blog you'll see it was kinda a slow year, I saw less than 30 movies or plays and some of them I just netflixed. So maybe that will be a resolution, try to see more than 30 things this year. Same goes for books, I don't think I've read 30 books this year and I feel like that's a low number (take this moment to feel guilty if you haven't read 4 books in the last 5 years). I'm aware these are small goals, but I'll keep any big resolutions to myself and tell you about them if I succeed.

Anyway I don't know what I'm looking forward to in the New Year or the things I'd like to change. Of course I also don't know what I'm looking forward to for the rest of my life, let alone 2014 specifically. But I can take things as they come, this could be an awesome year or it could be really shitty. Never know til it starts I guess so let's get this over with and start changing the last number of the date on our checks!

How am I ringing in the New Year? Well I don't have to work so that's pretty fabulous. I'm currently cooking some deer jerky, which I'll give a whole blog about this story later (it's also going to keep me in the house for the next six hours). Also there's leftover chili I made in the fridge that I'm going to attack soon. And then because I always need a laugh (and perhaps to encourage me to make others laugh too) I'm spending the day engrossed in comedy. Last night I stayed up watching Mike Birbiglia's "My Boyfriend's Girlfriend" on Netflix and this morning I just watched Bo Burnham's "what." (also up on Youtube). They've very different styles but are 2 really brilliant shows, I recommend them both highly. I also have Jen Kirkman's podcast "I Seem Fun" lined up, a Joan Rivers special on Netflix, and the DVD I got for my roommate: Jessica Kirson "Talking to Myself". Hopefully today is a day full of laughs (and chili, all the chili).

Tonight we're going to a little party. It should be fun, we're excited to go and we're gonna dress up and look classy. It'll be a fun day and it should lead us into a fun week. I go back to work at the theater Thursday, if you missed The Chief in the last 10 years here's your chance all over again. I'm actually going to stop now and clean up the entire kitchen because I got jerky marinade splattered everywhere. So everyone have a safe and happy night and I'll see you all in the new year.

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